Genesis Vision Protocol Docs

Protocol structure overview

The upper level of the protocol is based on the GenesisFund and GenesisProgram entities.


GenesisFund and GenesisProgram are based on the GenesisCoffer entity, which implements the ERC-20 (or BEP-20 for BSC) interface. It allows you to:

  • Issue and Redeem tokens secured by assets in GenesisCoffer
  • Work with the fund as with a regular ERC-20 token
  • Calculate and pay the Management Fee (annual percent)

Although Program and Fund entities look similar and serve the same purpose as an asset management tool, their approaches are different.

The Program is managed directly by the manager's trade transactions.

The Fund is managed in a declarative manner by setting up required assets allocations. Trading operations are carried out automatically.

GenesisCore is a liaison contract with the Genesis Vision Protocol. Its main functions are:

  • Creation of Funds and Programs
  • Managing the list of supported assets
  • Managing the list of available liquidity pools

Fund or program creation:

To create a fund or program, the manager must define the following initial parameters:

  • Fund/Program Name
  • Token Symbol (ticker)
  • Initial token supply
  • Management Fee (annual percent)

Investing in a Fund or Program

Investing in a Fund or Program can be done in two ways:

  • Purchase already issued ERC-20 tokens of the Fund/Program from other investors
  • Issue new tokens through the investment directly in the Fund/Program
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